
지난 3월 에디슨모터스컨소시엄과의 인수합병MA가 무산된 지 한 달 반 만이다KG그룹컨소시엄은 인수대금으로 약 9000억원을 쌍방울그룹은 약 8000억. 앞서 지난 11일 kg그룹-파빌리온pe 쌍방울그룹. …

Mollie King

MOLLIE King can barely contain her glee after being reunited with cricketer fiance Stuart Broad. The 35-year-old singer announced…

Juri Vips

2 days agoRed Bull has suspended junior driver Juri Vips after an apparent incident of racist language on the gaming platform Twi…